To further review the product designs proposed by our respective group's members, we conducted the pentagram analysis, also known as radar chart on each of our proposed environment-inspired and biomimicry designs based on the facets of design that we studied in this course.
Breakdown of Ratings
Coloroid OLED
For this concept, the functions are easy to grasp. The aesthetics and ergonomics are sufficient, however the material cost will be pricier compared to the original, as well as the selling price will also increase.
As for this concept, functions aesthetics and ergonomics are sufficient. However, this concept will be using solar power, thus materials and as well as the pricing will increase.
Coloroid E-Coloroid
For this concept, functions and the aesthetics remained unchanged. The material cost is not expensive however it is also not durable, thus it is expected to be cheaper than the original price.
Coloroid Eco
Function and aesthetics also remains unchanged. The material used for the frame is very sustainable, but the marketing price will be costly.
Coloroid by Marianne Mary
The functions and aesthetic remain the same. The material used is environmental friendly and also durable, however it is expensive, thus the marketing price will be costly.
Breakdown of Ratings
There is function added to the original concept which is an animal vision simulation. UI is easy to understand and use in general. Materials remain unchanged, but the price range of the product in general is in the higher range.
Functions remains unchanged, however the aesthetics for the frame is quite wide. Materials remains unchanged however, it will be consume more materials for the frame, making the selling price increase.
Coloroid by Dizon
The function remains unchanged, as well as the aesthetics. The material will be used is quite uncommon, but it is durable. Thus the marketing price will be pricey than the others.
Coloroid Bamboo
The function remains unchanged, but for the aesthetics, the Coloroid Bamboo uses a bamboo frame coated with EcoPoxy instead of normal wood.
Coloroid by Marianne Mary
Function remains unchanged, however the internal structure of the product will follow that of a Morpho butterfly's which will affect aesthetics and how it will be used, as well as its costs.
Overall, the design iterations with the best ratings from the members of the group were Coloroid E-coloroid for environment-inspired design, and ColoroidBIO for biomimicry design.